Azriel Johnson: did you have knickers on?
That isn't a roundabout way to ask if you're wearing any, I was just curious what kind of a show he got. *smile emoticon*
Bethany W Pope: Ha! No. Matt gets on my case all the time about letting my vagina flap in the wind.
He probably has a point.
Azriel Johnson: Well, if it flaps there might be an issue... but in general I think if its your house you should be allowed to flap how you want.
Bethany W Pope: Word.
We do have to be cautious though because we live right beside a park.
Azriel Johnson: Flap... also and interesting word for a vagina's resting posture... incidentally.
You've always seemed like someone who would be inclined to walk around naked most of the time, not because you're a nudist, but because you're busy thinking and creating and just can't be bothered to put on clothes unless you're cold.
Not a criticism btw, I am similar...
Also i don't think about you naked generally its just a sense I get from you which has manifested now in a borderline inappropriate conversation for a publisher to have with his author.... *smile emoticon*
Bethany W Pope: Yes. That's generally how it goes. I start getting dressed then get a line and have to write it down. I forget what I was doing and the next thing I know I'm walking outside without anything on.
Azriel Johnson: I thought that was your sleep walking episodes
Bethany W Pope: That too. Though that's happened less since Matt put the chain on the door.
Azriel Johnson: I was just thinking this weekend, I wish it wasn't inappropriate to walk around my house naked when my nephew was downstairs. I mean, I don't have any ill intentions. It's just a penis ffs.
Bethany W Pope: That's culture for you. We had sort of a weird situation at home. Mom was an actress so she was VERY comfortable just being starkers all the time. Dad was a minister (I've never seen him without a shirt) so we received decidedly mixed messages. 1) the body is a tool 2) the body is Satan's shame-temple.
If you were German you'd have been fine.
Azriel Johnson: I am German ancestry, but unfortunately American cultured
Bethany W Pope: The nice thing about cultures is that they change.
Azriel Johnson: I wish when the hippies won they hadn't gone ultra conservative instead of following the trajectory they were on... fuckin boomers... ha!
Bethany W Pope: Yeah. Well, it's up to us not to follow the same route. Being broke-ass poets ought to help with that! I've noticed that conservatism follows cash.
Azriel Johnson: Yes. Though I wouldn't be opposed to some more cash, I am just not willing to compromise a lot of my ideals to do it.
Bethany W Pope: Same. Or any, in my case. It's better to be poor and noble than rich and morally bankrupt. Of course, I'd really like to be rich and noble.
Azriel Johnson: I don't believe that richness of bank account and richness of spirit are mutually exclusive. It's possible to have both I think.