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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Crying - Azriel Johnson


I see you’re unattainable.
It makes me sad to see.
Someone who doesn’t even try.
Just one touch and you’re with them.
Emotions are running deep. I want to be happy.
I am sad. I am Crying.
My head is confused. My heart is dying.
I want so bad a love of my own.
I don’t wanna be alone.
I’m not right in the head.
Tears run down my face.
I hear a good song on the radio.
Your scent is in the room.
My emotions run wild.
I am Crying. I know I can’t have you.
I want you. I read everything
I know about you as hidden riddles.
I dream of a life with you.
I live in a world without your love.
I am sad. I am Crying.
I am sad. I am Crying.

*Note* Originally published in "Staving Away the Sadness" (PublishAmerica, 2004) Originally posted on the now defunct 04/08/06

Azriel Johnson is an inkspatter analyst and a serial writer by night. He runs a small, not money losing publishing press and a weekly open mic with monthly features called Writing Knights Press and Writing Knights: Stark.

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