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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Night 0

This is where I start.

Since November, I've been working out on breaks almost every day 15 minutes twice a day. Nothing too strenuous, just something to get my body moving and my blood pumping.  The idea is to make my body stronger. I'm not expecting a change overnight, but I feel exhausted everyday and this needs to stop.

This is my detox.

I'm weaning myself down from junk food. Today is my last swig of soda for the near future.  I won't totally rule it out, because sometimes things happen, but the idea is consistency.  The goal is more energy all around.

I've been eating better for the past few years, but my energy levels have dipped gradually.  I tried to go without meat for three months, but my energy levels got even lower. So far my diet is about 85% vegetarian, though I reckon I'll be eating less and less dairy.  I don't know if I'll leave eggs behind because they do have protein.

I've got problems with inflammation and pain in my hands and wrists so I've been treating that with varying degrees of success with my "Elixir of Ease" basically extracts of cayenne, California poppy, and something called Trauma Drops.  Lately I've added Echinacea with Goldenseal, but that tastes awful so I added peppermint to take the edge off.  I am going to step down the ingredients.  I'll have a choice between Trauma Drops or California poppy because I haven't felt a significant lowering of pain using both.  I want to incorporate Asian Ginseng when I can.  I drink the Elixir every morning with 12 ounces of water.

Why am I doing this?

Because I have things I need to get done and less energy than I would like to do them all.  I have a deadline for my next novel to finish writing that I'm going to miss.  I have a poetry tour coming up in April that I'm going to need all the energy I can generate.  I was told keeping track of the journey helps one stay focused.

I will provide pictures of the teas I'm using in the next entry.  I don't know what I'm going to do about chronicling the weekends... I'll think of something.

Also, as far as blogs go, I'm going to pare this one down a bit... cut out the fat... maybe put the entries down in a different form somehow... maybe exercises in creative writing. Who knows?

Thanks for reading!

*Note* Originally posted on the now defunct 03/17/16

Azriel Johnson is an inkspatter analyst and a serial writer by night. He runs a small, not money losing publishing press and a weekly open mic with monthly features called Writing Knights Press and Writing Knights: Stark.

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